Saint Malo & Dinard
Saint Malo & Dinard
Take advantage of the expertise of our travel designers to plan your tailor-made trip !
Discover the famous corsair city protected by fortifications and surrounded by the sea. Many great sailors such as Jacques Cartier, Surcouf, Dugay-Trouin used Saint Malo as a departure harbor for their adventures.
Located in Brittany, Saint Malo was also a Terre-Neuvas harbor from the XVIe century to the XX century.
The corsair city was almost destroyed in august 1944. It is today one of the most authentic reconstruction examples you can see in France. When you walk the streets today, you really have the feeling to be back in a medieval city.
While you are in Saint Malo, take time to visit Dinard, a charming XIXe century resort with worldwide famous luxury villas.